Purpose of an annotated bibliography
- To evaluate available materials for a particular topic
- To examine and sort out sources for research
- To offer an overview of sources that may be helpful to others researching the same topic
- To gain insights from the available literature before developing your own research ideas To demonstrate the quality and depth of the reading you have done for your research
- Provide full bibliographic information of the sources
- Brief description of the author’s background Summarize the content
- Identify the core arg ument
- Offer a statement of the types of conclusions drawn
- Indicate the relevance and usefulness of the source to your research.
Sample Annotation
Sample Annotation
Gregory, Mann. `Parents Influence is Limited. ` The Chicago Morning News 4 Feb.1962: 27A. Print. In this editorial, Gregory first claims that people are too quick to blame a child’s parents if the child does som ething wron g. In fact, he says, parents might even enjoy pointing the finger at other parents who have a child in trouble. Howeve r, Greg ory tells us, once he had his own children, he became more humble and realized that no matter how`good` parents are, children s till do things that are `bad` and ag ainst the `rules` that guided how they were raise d. This leads him to an example: a so ng by Margin Gaye, sugges ting that parents should s top trying to mold children `like their own piece of clay.` Finally, Grego ry that they are the ultimate influence on their children’s lives.
Good information.