
2 Simple Steps to Connect With Your Audience

A person's favorite topic to talk about in conversation is themselves. Think about it. Why do we like talking about ourselves? Because that is the subject we know that most about.
As an article marketer, how can you use that information to your advantage to connect with your readers?
If someone goes to Google and type in the search bar, "How to make a grilled cheese sandwich?" what the searcher is looking for is information teaching them how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. They are looking for information that will benefit them. It would be pointless for them to read an article about the different types of cheeses. After all, if they were researching the many different types of cheeses, they could have easily put in the search bar, "What are the different types of cheeses?" What the searcher wants is an easy to follow, step by step set of instructions that will teach them how to grill the cheese sandwich they are dying to eat.

Now, lets stop right there for a moment.
Since we know that a person's favorite subject to discuss is themself, as article marketers, we need to use that information to our benefit.
When your readers read your article, they are not interested in reading about your problems, life, achievements, etc. What they want, is a short article that will help them solve their problem(s). From a reader's perspective, the main thing that they are wanting to know is how does this article help me with my problems.
If your interest lay in talking about yourself, then you are better off writing an autobiography, not an article.
Now, going back to the illustration of the grilled cheese sandwich.
Once the searcher hits "search" on Google, immediately their screen is flooded with links leading to different websites explaining how to cook a grilled cheese sandwich. All the searcher has to do is click on whichever one fits his fancy and he'll be one step closer to eating his grilled cheese sandwich.
With thousands of links to choose from, how will the searcher narrow down his options?
One way he'll do that is by paying close attention to the titles of the links. The title that best epitomize what he wants (or the one that sounds like it will cater to him and his needs/problems), will be the link that he clicks.
The same is true when it comes to selling something. Your article will have to be legit in the sense that it solves your potential customer's problems. There are thousands of links for them to choose from and click, but they will narrow their options down to a few. Those few determined by their titles. Whichever title sounds like the article was written exactly for them and their problem will be the link they choose.
Therein, here is another point to keep in mind: creating eye-catching titles. Make them short, simple and straight to the point. Let readers know what they'll learn when they read your article, and offer them a solution to their problem.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lasheda_Harper

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8311257

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