
9 Tips For New Authors

          While on my "Dear Black Man" journey I've come across some really amazing authors whose words have made me laugh, inspired me and provoked a lot of thought. I have also connected with aspiring authors who share their admiration of me actually doing it. They've said "so many people talk about publishing a book but never actually do it." That's just it, I didn't think much about it. I knew I had a talent, I knew people would gain from my writing and I wanted leave a legacy for my son so he could see me set a goal and accomplish it. The writing part obviously came naturally. It's the fluff and process that's most challenging. What are the different publishing options? What is an ISBN and do I need my own? Can I really make a lot of money? Can't a really smart school teacher edit my book for me? And my favorite, I wrote it but now what?
          When you write a book for the first time you just know it's destined for the best sellers list and Oprah's book club, but you desperately want the rest of the world to know it. What you may not realize is that you can publish an amazingly quality book without killing yourself or quitting in the process. Here are 9 tips for new authors.
1. Do Your Homework

          There is no short cut or quick fix to doing your homework. Remember growing up, if you were the child who copied from your friends, most often the answers were wrong. And if you were the procrastinator, most often the teacher could tell it was a rushed job. Don't let this be the case with your masterpiece. Before you publish your book, you have to research as much as possible. I spent hours web surfing, reading and asking questions to learn the publishing lingo. I wanted to know as much as possible to avoid the many bumps in the road. Preparing a manuscript and researching the format was a time saver. Hiring a professional editor was an investment rather than a cost because readers want quality. Know your audience's likes and dislikes. Read, read, read. You have to read to be read.
When I had the desire to write this article I felt my readers would gain more from the opinions and experiences of other authors and not just my own so I consulted Keith Williams, author of the newly released "War Angel II" and he inspired tip 2.
2. Come Follow Me
          Build an audience prior to publication. Even before the book is printed you must engage your readers. We luckily live in a time with access to thousands of people from the comfort of our own homes thanks to social media. Market yourself and your book. I've met many writers who simply want to write and don't really like to be the ones in the spot light, but part of marketing is to engage. How can you engage readers with nothing to read? The answer is giving them you. Readers enjoy reading from authors they can relate to. It builds loyalty. Understand that your readers will initially love you not your book. Engage and they will follow.
Tip 3, I learned from a writer and good friend of mine @ChrisDread. I don't think he knows he inspired it but...
3. Keep it Real
          When you write and begin the process of becoming a published author, stay true to yourself. If you like to keep things simple, simply keep it simple. Don't try to over-write and use words that aren't true to you, your character or your audience. Keep your writing authentic and be prepared to back it up. Know that everyone will not appreciate your writing even those who have never even read it. But your goal isn't to please everyone so make your "why" clear and when faced with challenges remember to keep it real. Learn the difference between constructive criticism and criticism.
My Partner in Success shared with me his un-kept secret that inspired tip 4.
4. Be Selfishly Selfless With Your Writing
          Understand your purpose. If you are writing to only please yourself because your pride won't allow anyone to alter your writing style than I wish you the best of luck with your journal, but if you are writing to leave an impression on others whether it is to inspire, entertain or inform; you have to be flexible. Notice I said flexible not breakable because step 3 is still in effect. Be selfish is terms of true to yourself and your preferences but in turn, for the success of your book, you must simultaneously be selfless and give the readers what they yearn for.
My Coach Carter says that everything you need for success is outside the box. Don't wait until it's too late to step outside the box and stay there.
5. Think Outside the Box
          Dare to be different. There is nothing worse than another book about the same topic with the same characters and the same predictable ending. Any good book or even movie you've seen has been great because the writer thought outside the box. They found a way to stretch their mind to think beyond the norm. "A mind stretched will never be the same again." Is your book title captivating? Will your 30 second spiel create interested followers? Would you want to keep reading? Be the author who causes a typical non-reader to be a renewed page turner (or tapper, for your e-book).
"Mommy, I'm a king because I know a lot of stuff, I'm a boss." My eyes lit up when my six year old told me why he calls himself a king. I realized that he is a boss; a boss of his kingdom and an expert in the industry of himself.
6. Become an Industry Expert
          But I just want to write. What makes you a good writer, is more than the fact that you like writing words down. You have a way with word play, syntax, metaphors etc. You have mastered the art of writing. Therefore, to be a successful author you must master the art of "authoring". Who are the leading publishers? How did certain authors succeed? Who do you need to know to get where you want to be? What are good marketing strategies? If you haven't thought about these questions than you need to go back to tip number 1 and that's alright because you want to be as prepared as possible. Success takes time. Balance your schedule. Make time for yourself and family, writing, research and industry mastering. You need to go where the success is. Attend book launches and networking events. Go to book discussions and events that pertain to the audience you write for. Submerge yourself in the industry.
Eartha Watts Hicks, author of "Love Changes" suggested tip 7.
7. Your Work Your Rights
          Own everything. If you are really interested in being a self-published author serve yourself first. You are the one that stayed up late. You are the one whose name is on the cover, so you should be the one to own the rights to your work. Don't be fooled by companies that take away your rights to your work and offer less than nothing in royalties. Compare prices. Get your work legally copy-written. Even take it back to the old school and mail yourself a sealed copy of your book.. Purchase your own ISBN. It's an investment not a bill. You don't want someone else to solely benefit from your work.
8. Cheaters Never Win
          Don't short charge yourself and your readers by taking short cuts when it comes to your "baby." You wouldn't hire an inexperienced babysitter to take care of your toddler and you wouldn't feed your newborn your leftovers. Only the best for your baby, right?! Well your book is your baby so don't be cheap and cheat. Invest in a skilled editor. I've been an educator for over 10 years and although I've proofread and edited biographies on Ruby Bridges and tons of stories of fantasy lands, I still hired an experienced and professional editor for my book. A fresh pair of experienced eyes will always notice what you and your really smart ELA teacher missed. Hire a graphic designer or invest in design services because your sister's friend's, second cousin who draws really well should not design your book cover. Presentation is everything and your first impression could be your last.
9. Hustle Hard
          What good is your masterpiece if no one knows about it? I learned a valuable lesson from my business partner Kareem Hayes, author of "Necessary Evil". As mentioned earlier, your book is your baby. When we have children we take lots of pictures and want to show any and everything with eyes. So the same thing goes with your book. If you decide to become a self-published author, understand that you are your most valuable marketing tool. You have to present yourself as an author and you will need to hustle really hard. If that means waking up early enough to get to the rush hour sales, then so be it. If it means attending events you don't want to go to then so be it. If it means breaking old habits that don't benefit your sales then so be it. You are self-published so you can't expect anyone else to do the work for you. You have to be ready to sell, sell, sell. If you're passionate about your work it shouldn't be too difficult to put in the work.
Bonus: For many new artists, money is always an issue. But think of it like a business, you have to spend in order to earn. In total, with editing, cover and interior design as well as purchasing my own ISBN, I spent about $1250. And that doesn't include the marketing investment. I didn't want to wait months for a traditional publisher to tell me how to raise my child and tips that would benefit them before me so I made the investment and did the work. I was so passionate and confident in my work I saved and sacrificed so my baby could live and that was the best "parental" decision of my life.
Feel free to add or ask any questions. If you are looking for a book coach, email info@empoweredstilettos.com providing details on your work, what you are looking to accomplish and how far along you are in birthing your baby.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephanie_Fleary

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