
The Best Article Writing Tips I've Read

         The Best Article Writing Tips I've Read. If you have a website you probably write content on a semi-regular basis, and if you are SEO savvy you will no doubt optimize and syndicate your blog too. But is that enough? There is so much search engine optimized content out there, and most of it is often the same old topic regurgitated. So how do you get your blog to stand out from the crowd?
Mix it up!
          Don't write about the same old thing week in week out. Yes, you do of course have to ensure the content is relevant, but doing a bit of research before you sit down to write should give you tons of fresh ideas and inspiration to write something unique and interesting.
Be proud of what you write
          If you wouldn't be happy putting your name to it, or have family and friends read it, then stop writing. Throw it away and start on a new piece, write about something that gets your juices flowing, something that stimulates and interests you. If you love and are passionate about the topic it will come across in your writing!
Make use of what's already out there
          There a so many great articles just waiting for you to add your spin to them. Perhaps you've read a great article but felt the writer didn't cover a certain angle. Well perhaps with a bit more research and effort, that great article can be spun into an outstanding one.

Don't give up
          Writing can be daunting, it's been that way since time immemorial and is the same for all writers; you are not alone. The trick is to keep plugging at it, you may not see instant results, but you can't let that demoralize you. Just keep writing about interesting topics and try to infuse each article with your own special brand of unique charm and enthusiasm. The more articles you write, the easier it gets and the better they become.
Killer headlines!
          You can have the best article in the world, but without an inviting title to hook the reader you will have wasted your time. Make the title sound exciting, inform the user that they're going to read an awesome article if they click your link. Titles starting with " The best... " " Top tips" and "Top Ten" often do well as readers think they will be receiving some useful tidbits of information condensed into an easy to read list.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_Paterson