
Quality in Academic Writing Is it just song and dance?

All online academic paper writing companies (wi thout exemp tion) promi se to
offer c ustom essays,  resea rch papers, e tc, that are of t he high est  quality. We can 
get into  reas ons why ma ny do  not live  up to expectations but let’s focus on w hat
real  quality academic writing is all about so that we can spot a con a mi le away 
before get ting ripped off.
The ques tion that needs to be asked therefore is: can the quality of an academic
paper be determined before you get that failing grade?  What  should you look for
when you receive your paper from the  paper writing service of choice?
While the checklist below does not guarantee you a passing grade, it
gives you a very accurate idea of whether you are getting your money’s
worth. If you weigh your paper against it and find that it deviates widely
from the checklist, chances are that your paper is poorly written, rushed
1.  Following tutor’s instructions: All writing guides  in the world are not a
substitute for your tutor/lecturer’s instructions. Your  paper should strictly
seek  to fulfill all
the requiremen ts handed over by the examining authority. If a grading rubric is
provided then care should be taken to follow it to the letter.
2.  Organization and structure: The paper you present should be neat as
this would appeal to the reader’s eye. Basically most academic papers are
structured in a similar manner. The most common structure for essays and
term papers is
    Abstract (optional)
    Bo dy paragra ph s
    Re ferences
    Appendix (optional)
In the same way,    research papers, dissertations and theses follow a general
structure as follows:
    Abs tract
    Literature review
    Resul ts
    List of sources
    Appendix (optional)
2.   The  Introduction: A great paper starts with… duh… a great
introduction. This  is  the
point of entry  to your paper. A good introduction should:
    Open the main issues of the question
    Indicate the way the question will be addressed
    Outline how the essay is structured
    Offer a statement of the types of conclusion to be drawn.
3.   Coherence: The most important  aspect  of the body of any paper is
clarity of ideas (coherence) and smo oth transition from one idea to the
next. Poor quality papers are incoherent and difficult to read.
4.  Paragraphs that support the central argument: Another sign of a
quality paper is that the body paragra phs support the thesis  statement one
after the other. Paragraphs that have  a vag ue relationship with the main
arg ument of the paper are an indication of poor quality.
5.  In text citations and referencing: It is paramount to give credit to the
sources  you

use  in yo ur paper. Whether you qu ote any author word  by word or  just 
para phrase an idea  from ot her literary works, you  are r equired  to
document yo ur so urces  within the body of your text (in  text ci tation  )
and includ e full citation at  the  end of y our tex t. Th ere are  different
styles of documenting sources such as APA, MLA and Chicago/Turabian
among others. A good quality paper will adhere strictly to the chosen
formatting guide. Inconsistencies when documenting sources are a sign of a
Similarly, when listing down the sources at the end of the paper, this should
be done according to the particular formatting style. Additionally the full
bibliographic information should be presented whenever possible.
6.  Grammar and language: Poor grammar and incorrect use of language is
a major giveaway in academic paper writing. Typos and run-on sentences
will spoil even the well researched paper. Other tutors and professors will
give a failing grade to papers characterized by poor grammar run-on
sentences and typos. These indicate lack of thoroughness. As such, papers
should be proofread carefully and all sentences that make no sense or are
difficult to read rewritten.
7.  Conclusion: It is easy to give the least attention to your conclusion.
However your conclusion is meant to tie everything together in support of
your main argument or thesis statement. Here you can call for action and
give recommendation if appropriate. You may also open room for more
research in the same times. A conclusion is not supposed to merely be a
summary of your body. Neither are you to
introduce anything new that has not been covered in your text.
8.  Credibility of sources: The sources you use in writing your paper will say a
lot about the quality of your research. It is important to use authority sources.
Newspapers, magazines and some historical books, government and
organizational websites are good primary sources while journals, books are
good secondary sources. It is prudent to use a mixture of primary and
secondary sources as well as variety of these. Online sources whose academic
authority cannot be ascertained such as Wikipedia, answers.com and other
article mills should be avoided.
9. Plagiarism. Among our list of vices, plagiarism requires special attention.
Plagiarism is unauthorized or improper use of other people’s work in your
paper. Plagiarism can be intentional (where the writer is just trying to be
cheeky) or unintentional (the most common form). In academia, plagiarism is
a serious offence that has ethics as its key component and depending on your
institution’s policy on plagiarism; this offence can have serious consequences
including expulsion from college. That’s the bad news; the good news is that
plagiarism can easily be avoided. With the advent of internet, literacy
materials have become very readily available. This is a good thing but has
unfortunately been abused thus increasing incidences of plagiarism in
academia. There are numerous affective tools in use today to check for
plagiarism in submitted work. Here are a few tips to help you avoid plagiarism
in your paper:
a.   Be original: In research the goal is not for you to repeat and
reorganize what has been done before. Instead you are expected to
shed some new light on your chosen topic. You use other people to
help in the thought process as well as to support your assertions.
Otherwise try to approach your topic with an open and independent
b.   Paraphrase: Use  your own words  to explain  somebody’s  ideas. You
ares till required to give  credit to this source.
c.   Cite  your  sources properly:  Documenting  your  sources  in
accordance  to the instructions given by your lecturer/tutor will
save you much trouble.

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