
How to Come Up With Great Content Fast

          You already know that a good content management strategy will be good for your brand in the long run. However coming up with ideas for good content, and then effectively writing out your ideas in a timely fashion can be hard sometimes.
          There' nothing worse than staring down a blank page and not having a clue about where to start, or how long it will take to finish.
So how do you write the good stuff fast?
That's the million dollar question isn't it? Here are a few goodies that will have you sailing through your content management duties at lightening speeds everyday all day long (if you use them that is).
1. Keep a journal:
          We're not always able to bust open the laptop whenever inspiration strikes in the form of brilliant article and content ideas. Knowing this, it is wise to keep something near so that you can jot down your ideas whenever they come to you lest you forget them. Modern technology takes care of this extremely well. Go to the app store on your cell phone and pick from numerous different note taking apps that will keep your thoughts and ideas organized (Onenote and Evernote are definitely the two best right now). As time goes by while you're doing this, you'll have plenty ideas of WHAT to write about which is the first step, and the step most people waste lots of time thinking about.
2. Plan the night before:

          When you're done with all of your duties for the day, take 30 minutes to an hour to plan out your content for tomorrow. Ask yourself questions like
-"What will I write about?"
-"How can I bring value to my readers with this topic?"
-"How will I promote this content?" etc...
All you need is an idea or picture of what the workday will look like the next day and you're golden.
3. Structure your content:
          Not a lot of people think about this. There are several ways to deliver content but which way will be the most clear, engaging and appropriate way to deliver to your readers. At the end of the day, only you know what your readers like, and no two content strategies will be the same.
Good structure content can be in the form of a list, "Top 5 methods for promoting content". Or it can be a quick video you shot with some commentary, or whatever you want. Mix it up to. You never want to get boring to your readers.
          All three of these treats are vastly underused. Most people don't plan the night before, keep a journal, or structure their content. The open their laptops, open a word processor and stare ate the screen hoping for inspiration. And sometimes inspiration comes that way, but it mostly doesn't.
Preparation is key. Once you know what to do, the actual process of doing it takes a lot less time.
Happy Hustling!
          Corey Henry is an internet marketing virtuoso who specializes in helping would-be marketers find their white hot centers and explode in their respective market places. He uses his acquired skills to help those who can not yet help themselves. If you are in need of some help...
Visit him at: http://www.fiverr.com/cjhen83/write-400-words-of-exclusive-content---in-1-day--8
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Corey_Jemal_Henry
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8419943

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