
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips For Beginners

          Search Engine Optimization is not as easy as it used to be a few years ago. These SEO tips will help you in getting better search engine rankings.
Search engine marketing and search engine optimization is getting hard every single day. Google is making things pretty hard for internet marketers every year. No matter how strict Google gets, businesses and SEO experts just cannot live without organic traffic. They cannot get it without Google. This is the reason that SEO is changing rapidly and gurus are always in search of something new that will improve the search engine ranking of the sites of their clients.
Optimize Titles, Headings, Images And Content
          Google now emphasize on titles, heading, image labeling and content more than anything else. Most of the beginners just don't know much about optimizing titles and content for better search engine ranking and by the time they know, it is already too late for them.
The titles need to be short and not too long. Search engines cannot read long titles instead they read 70 characters of what's written in the title. Make sure that the title is short and concise. Insert headings in your content because headings tell the search engines about the importance of the text. Always insert your keyword in the image ALT. Content must be non-duplicate and free from all types of errors.

Keyword Density
          Personally I don't like to add keywords throughout the content that I write. This doesn't work anymore. But there are lots and lots of SEO experts out there that believe that keyword density does play a significant role in improving SERPs.
Google now shows the pages in search results that are most relevant to the keyword entered in the search bar. It doesn't matter whether the keyword is used in the content or not.
However, if you still want to use a specific keyword in your article then make sure that keyword density is no more than 2%.
Build Quality Backlinks
          I know this is easier said than done. Building quality backlinks is not a piece of cake especially for beginners. I would suggest getting backlinks from relevant high PR sites. The site must be relevant. It is of no use to get a backlink from a PR8 site that is about real estate to a site on health niche. It will not be considered as a quality link.
          Besides, try to build links on authority sites like Squidoo, YouTube, hubpages, Yahoo answers etc. There are a lot of authority sites out there. You need to find a list of all the authority sites in your niche and start building backlinks. Even if you get a nofollow link, it will still be of great value if you are getting it from a relevant authority site.
          You must have heard from people that SEO is dead. Well, SEO isn't dead and it will never be. But yes, the SEO methods and techniques will keep on changing. They will never remain the same. So when someone says that search engine optimization is dead, it actually means that the methods and techniques are no longer working, and they need to be changed.
SEO is still pretty much alive!
-TO YOUR SUCCESS, Michael Lyons
-To Your Success, Michael Lyons
P.S. If you are a beginner and have no experience in SEO, do not be discouraged! You do not have to be an SEO expert to get results online. Instead you can get your own "done for you system" that is setup the moment you decide to get started! Visit http://internetmoneyasap.com/free-video
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_E_Lyons

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