
Think Of Creative Writing Ideas

          Think Of Creative Writing Ideas. For this article, "Creative Writing Ideas" I would like to start off by saying, "write what you know". What subject do you know about and have experience with? Maybe for your first screenplay, write the subject that excites you and you know most about. It can also be a subject that affected you emotionally in a negative manner. If you don't know about it, then go out and study it until you greatly understand the subject. As they say, fake it before you make it and this phrase is as important for you as it is for an actor.
          Sticking with our creative writing ideas, let's begin with the characters of your story. If you want your character to sound real, to sound like they know what they are talking about, you need to do your research. Find out who they are and what they would know. How do they feel about certain situations? If the characters lack in the department of how real they appear you will lose the audience and possibly a job. Forget about Hollywood stardom, your next meal is out of a garbage can behind a donut shop.
          If your character is a lawyer or judge for instance; go out and read a few law books, find some websites dedicated to lawyers, and join a legal forum where all they do is discuss old publicized courtroom battles. The point is to do your research and make sure the audience believes your character knows his or her stuff. I understand you may be thinking, "if my character has to know their stuff, that means I have to know my stuff and I don't have time to be a lawyer?" I am not asking you to be a lawyer, just make sure to take notes and copy down what words the lawyers say and practice how they speak. So know what your subject matter is and know what you're talking about.

          Moving on with creative writing ideas, think about events in your life and how they played out. Try and imagine how they would have played out if the circumstances were different. I know you want an example and here it is; in reality you're having a good time at a birthday party in a local pub and your intoxicated friend decided she was going to get behind the wheel and drive home, but you took her keys away and drove her home instead. But in the story you ignore her and selfishly kept partying not really considering she might crash into a tree and burn to death, and that is exactly what she did. To top it off, she was the birthday girl and is your daughter's god mother. Way to go!
          This brings us to the last of the creative writing ideas I will write about in this short article for you today is to write the ending first. Yes you heard me right, "write the ending first". Chances are you already know the ending of your story before you even cut out an idea for the beginning. You could be thinking about your friend as we have discussed in the last paragraph of her perishing in a deadly-fiery crash, but the whole story was your own reflection of events and in the end the scene of the crash cuts to you sitting there in a padded room because you couldn't take the guilt of being a selfish person allowing your friend to drive home.
          The camera pans out to the opposite side of the room, through the wall, out the roof, and up into the sky until the screen went black, the end. So write the ideas down as they come and later you can formulate them into scenes. Don't hesitate to jot it down and don't play by any rules you may have heard or read about. There are no rules in writing except proper grammar and that important little spell check thingy if you're using writing software. I hope this article was helpful to you and I will write more on this topic when time permits. Happy writing!
Benjamin Schiltz
Creative Writing Ideas
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Benjamin_Schiltz

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